
Respect for the Bible

I don’t know how many different copies and translations of the Bible I have in my library but it is a lot. Two things I especially love are a new Bible and a new necktie though my infatuation with neckties is quickly fading as I mature in age  (according to AARP that is a nice way of saying your getting older)  and I am having to deal with aggravated sinus’ more often.  I think it is very important that Christians always treat their copy of  the Bible with respect and I also think it is important that we teach our children to do the same. The flag of the United States is not just another flag or just another piece of cloth. It is a symbol of our country. To treat the flag of our country with disrespect is to show disrespect not only to our nation but also to the men and women who have sacrificed and died defending our nation and our freedoms. We are rightfully angry when someone stomps on our flag, tears it apart, burns it and treats it with disrespect. As we respect the flag of our nation we should also respect the Bible. The Bible is not just another book. The Bible is God’s inspired and infallible Word, it is God’s revelation of Himself to us and any copy of the Bible should always be treated with respect. At home, your copy of the Bible should have a special place. We should never pile or put things on top of our Bible. Would you pile things on the top of a rare photograph of someone you love? Of course not! There is nothing wrong with writing sermon, study or personal notes in your Bible but don’t scribble in your Bible or use it as a scratch pad. Of course, over time Bibles wear out, the binding breaks down and the pages fade from use.  A Bible that is well worn from time and use is a beautiful thing. When it comes time to purchase a new Bible, don’t throw your old one away.  Retire it and store it away in special place. One of my prize possessions is one of my mother’s Bibles. The pages of that Bible are filled with her handwritten notes of faith and trust in God. That Bible is precious to me as your well used Bible will be precious to future generations of your family. Of course, the best way to respect the Bible is to read it and obey it!  Read the Bible everyday and plant its precious truths in your heart.  Let God speak to you through His Word. See you Sunday, Bro. Chris        


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